How to Get a Scholarship in the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD)

Stating higher educational studies in world-famous foreign countries is a dream of every other inspiring student. Moreover, it is highly necessary to begin your academic education at that institution, which provides you with better future opportunities. Therefore, students around the globe always aim for scholarships and student exchange programs from various developed and commercially rich countries. Hence, there are several scholarships programs that are available for students around the world including

  • DAAD Scholarship (Germany)
  • MEXT Scholarship (Japan)
  • Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program (France)
  • (UOWD) Scholarship (UAE)

Nowadays, every developed country is open to welcoming students from any part of the world. So, let's discuss the life-changing opportunity for students around the globe at the University of Wollongong Dubai (UOWD], which is furnishing scholarships for students of BS and master's.

What if we say that your dreams regarding higher education in UAE in one of the noted universities can become true, will you believe it? Because here you are going to discover all related information regarding the Wollongong scholarship in a simple manner. Hence, these are the points which we will cover, which are shared below:

  1. Scholarship Value 
  2. Scholarship Programs 
  3. Eligibility & Selection Criteria 
  4. Requirements to Secure the Scholarship 
  5. Prime Student Benefits

Scholarship Value

This scholarship can be obtained only through academic merits. Furthermore, an applicant should qualify for the requirements and eligibility which are mentioned below. Hence, these scholarships are awarded on a first come first served basis. There is a different scholarship value for each program and degree which are mentioned below:

BS Programs

  • 50% Scholarship 
  • 25% Scholarship 
  • 15% Scholarship 

Master’s Programs

  • 25% Scholarship 
  • 15% Scholarship 

Scholarship Degrees & Courses

The university provides two Degrees along with several Courses. So, if you get selected then you can easily obtain the exceptional opportunity to complete your higher studies at the University of Wollongong Dubai. Thus, bachelor's and master's degrees and provided. However, there are courses furnished for students of bachelor's and masters by the university shared below:

Course for BS. & Masters Students 

  • Engineering 
  • Information Technology
  • Business & Commerce 
  • Computer Science 
  • Media & Design 
  • Healthcare

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

  1. Students from around the world can apply for scholarships.
  2. The university is open for new entry students.
  3. Students must meet all the academic requirements and eligibility questions asked by the university. Moreover, they must have the relevant criteria in their selected degree and courses. 
  4. The Universities will contribute 50& financial support to the students and won’t be involved in any other expenses. 
  5. The duration of the bachelor's degree is 3 years. On the other hand, the Master's degree duration is 2 years

Requirements to Secure the Scholarship

University of Wollongong Dubai has the same requirements for every other student around the world. Hence students are advised to read the requirements carefully. Furthermore, if you haven't failed in any subject and your grades aren't up to the requirements then you won’t be eligible for the scholarship. Thus, academic conditions for the selections are given below

Requirements for BS. Degree 

  • Enroll in a minimum of 3 subjects (mandatory) in Autumn, Winter and Spring
  • Maintain a cumulative WAM of ≥75 (50% scholarship)
  • Maintain a cumulative WAM of ≥65 (25% scholarship)
  • Maintain a cumulative WAM of ≥55 (15% scholarship)
  • Receive no “Fail” (F or TF) grades

Requirements for Master’s Degree 

  • Enroll in a minimum of 2 subjects (mandatory) in Autumn, Winter and Spring (for students on a UOWD sponsored visa only)
  • Maintain a WAM of ≥ 65 at the end of each semester
  • Receive no “Fail” (F or TF) grades

Prime Student Benefits

The best thing about the foreign universities is their benefits given to students. In the same way, Wollongong university of Dubai also assists students with various advantages. So, have a look at the foremost benefits you can achieve from this scholarship. 

Shuttle Transport

If your living destination is near to the university then you can also prevail yourself with the transport services provided by the university administrative authorities. Hence, this transport assistance will help you save your money on traveling and all the hassle while reaching the university. 

Future Job Opportunities

After the compilation of your degree, you will be prepared for job opportunities. Thus, there are several multinational companies that visit the university in search of the best and most qualified candidates to join them.

Sports Activities

People of Dubai love sports games such as football, cricket, tennis and Squash. Therefore, you will be given an equal chance to take part in sports tournaments. In addition, there are sports scholarships as well and you can easily apply for them from any citizenship application. If you also have a passion related to sports then you can fulfill your ambitions just by participating in sports activities. 

NOC to Apply for a Part-Time Job

There are numerous universities that don’t allow their students to have part-time jobs. Although, that’s not the case here at the University of Wollongong Dubai because you can easily acquire the NOC from the university’s administrative department and continue your part-time job. Moreover, according to current locals and foreign students, the new applicants can try their luck in sales and digital marketing.

Instructor Assistance 

The faculty and staff are very cooperative and supportive. Secondly, if you have any queries related to your classes and timings, you can easily contact the authorities on their given contact numbers. Moreover, whenever you will need any assistance in assignment help or project guidance then some instructors and teachers are always available for their services.  


This was the needed information about UOWD, so avail yourself of this significant opportunity. Besides, the students around the world are getting this opportunity where degrees such as BS. and Masters have been furnished by the government of UAE. According to the current foreign students, there are various communities of people around the world. Therefore, there won’t be any problems for the new students to settle in.

Lastly, take the advantage of these exceptional scholarship opportunities, and complete your degrees on higher notes. If you have bigger dreams related to your education and future professional life then, this scholarship is for you. Thus, apply and make your parents and country proud. Plus, if you need any other information regarding the scholarship application then here is the official website of the University of Wollongong Dubai.


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